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Common English Phrases for fitness gym

English Jp

Fast English Challenge

'Fast English Challenge' is a program to improve your listening skills.

To begin, the sentence will be played back at double speed. Afterward, simply press 'next' to hear it at 1.7 times its original speed, then again to hear it at 1.5 times its original speed, and once more to hear it at 1.2 times its original speed. Finally, press 'next' to reveal the correct answer.

If you find that you still don't understand the meaning of the sentence after reading the answer, it's possible that your vocabulary needs improvement. In that case, we recommend focusing on expanding your vocabulary before continuing.

Common English Phrases for fitness gym

If you want to know the phrases before training, read below at first.

Can you spot me?
How many sets do you have left?
Do you need a hand with that weight?
What muscle group are you working on today?
Can you show me how to use this machine?
What's your max on this exercise?
Do you want to work in with me?
Have you tried the rowing machine yet?
Can you recommend a good exercise for abs?
How long have you been working out for?
Do you need a brea?
Can you adjust the weight for me?
What's your fitness goal?
What's your workout routine?
How many calories are you burning on this machine?
Can you give me a spot on this exercise?
How many miles do you run on the treadmill?
Can you recommend a good stretching routine?
Have you tried the elliptical machine before?
What time do you usually come to the gym?