
スマブラでよく使う英語フレーズ - 速聴英語トレーニング

English Jp


1つの文は最初2倍速で再生されます。「next」を押すと1.7倍速で再生。 続いて、1.5倍速、1.2倍速で再生。そのあとに正解文が表示されます。
もし正解文を読んでも意味が分からない場合は、そもそもボキャブラリーが足りません。 単語量を増やすのを先に行っておきましょう。


If you want to know the phrases before training, read below at first.

Let's go!
Game on!
Time to fight!
Show me your moves!
Don't give up!
That was close!
Nice try!
You're getting better!
One more time!
Here we go again!
Let's try something new!
I'll take you on!
Bring it on!
You're in for it now!
You're mine!
This is it!
It's over!
Victory is mine!
That was awesome!
I can't believe it!
You're the best!
You've got some skills!
Good job!
See you next time!