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That/Which/Who/Whom (関係代名詞) - 速聴英語トレーニング

English Jp


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That/Which/Who/Whom (関係代名詞)

If you want to know the phrases before training, read below at first.

I love the book that you recommended.
The girl who is singing is my sister.
That is the house which I used to live in.
The person whom I met yesterday was very friendly.
This is the dress that I bought for the party.
The food which we had last night was delicious.
The man whom I saw at the store was my neighbor.
The movie that we watched last night was amazing.
The cake which my mom made is my favorite.
The singer whom I admire is performing tonight.
The car that I want to buy is a red convertible.
The teacher who taught me history is retired now.
The dress which I tried on didn't fit me well.
The company whom I applied to for a job hasn't replied yet.
The dog that chased the cat is mine.
The vacation which we took last year was to Hawaii.
The band whom I saw in concert was really good.
The book that I am reading is very interesting.
The room where I study is quiet.
The doctor whom I saw yesterday prescribed me some medicine.
The restaurant that we went to last night was crowded.
The person who is standing over there is my cousin.
The cake which I baked for the party turned out well.
The company that I work for is located downtown.
The concert which we went to last weekend was outdoors.