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高校の英語フレーズの英語フレーズ - 速聴英語トレーニング

English Jp


1つの文は最初2倍速で再生されます。「next」を押すと1.7倍速で再生。 続いて、1.5倍速、1.2倍速で再生。そのあとに正解文が表示されます。
もし正解文を読んでも意味が分からない場合は、そもそもボキャブラリーが足りません。 単語量を増やすのを先に行っておきましょう。


If you want to know the phrases before training, read below at first.

What's the homework for tonight?
Can I borrow a pen?
I forgot my calculator at home.
Do we have a test next week?
What did you get for number 4?
Can I go to the bathroom?
I don't understand the instructions.
When is the project due?
Who wants to be my partner?
This class is so boring.
Can you repeat that?
I need help with this problem.
I'm absent, what did I miss?
I'm so tired, I didn't sleep last night.
I got an A on my essay!
Do we have to present in front of the class?
Can we work on this together?
This test is so hard.
Can you explain that again?
I need to study for the exam.
I'm not sure what to write about.
What's the word for this definition?
I'm finished, can I turn it in?
Can we go outside for a few minutes?