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助動詞 Might - 速聴英語トレーニング

English Jp


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助動詞 Might

If you want to know the phrases before training, read below at first.

I might go to the gym later.
He might be running late.
She might not be able to make it to the party.
They might cancel the meeting.
We might need more time to finish the project.
The weather might be nice tomorrow.
I might try that new restaurant.
He might not know the answer.
She might have forgotten her keys.
They might have already left.
We might have to reschedule the appointment.
The movie might be sold out.
I might have left my phone at home.
He might have missed the train.
She might have to work late.
They might be lost.
We might have a problem with the computer.
The package might arrive tomorrow.
I might need to borrow some money.
He might be allergic to peanuts.
She might have an appointment this afternoon.
They might need more information.
We might not have enough supplies.
The store might be closed on Sundays.
I might not have time for that.