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助動詞  Should/Shouldn't - 速聴英語トレーニング

English Jp


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助動詞  Should/Shouldn't

If you want to know the phrases before training, read below at first.

You should call your mom more often.
You shouldn't eat too much junk food.
You should study for the exam.
You shouldn't be rude to people.
You should exercise regularly.
You shouldn't smoke.
You should be kind to others.
You shouldn't text while driving.
You should save money for emergencies.
You shouldn't procrastinate.
You should listen to your doctor's advice.
You shouldn't skip breakfast.
You should apologize if you're wrong.
You shouldn't lie to your friends.
You should recycle your trash.
You shouldn't waste food.
You should wear sunscreen.
You shouldn't talk with your mouth full.
You should be on time for appointments.
You shouldn't interrupt others when they're speaking.
You should floss your teeth.
You shouldn't be lazy.
You should be respectful to your elders.
You shouldn't text in movie theaters.
You should be honest with yourself and others.