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ツイッターでよく使われる英語フレーズ - 速聴英語トレーニング

English Jp
Twitter Bird Sketch


1つの文は最初2倍速で再生されます。「next」を押すと1.7倍速で再生。 続いて、1.5倍速、1.2倍速で再生。そのあとに正解文が表示されます。
もし正解文を読んでも意味が分からない場合は、そもそもボキャブラリーが足りません。 単語量を増やすのを先に行っておきましょう。


If you want to know the phrases before training, read below at first.

Just had the best day ever
Can't believe it's already Friday
Too blessed to be stressed
Stay positive, keep pushing forward
Just living my best life
Good things come to those who work hard
Life is short, make it count
Never give up on your dreams
Life is a journey, enjoy the ride
Today is a new day, make it great
Follow your passion, find your purpose
Keep calm and carry on
Success is a journey, not a destination
Life's too short to not take risks
Always be grateful, never take anything for granted
Believe in yourself, you can do anything
Find joy in the simple things
Every day is a new opportunity
You're never too old to start something new
Life is too short for regrets
Stay true to yourself, always
Life's a rollercoaster, enjoy the ride
Embrace change, it can lead to amazing things
The best things in life are free
Keep smiling, it looks good on you.